Monday, August 24, 2009

A walk in the Country

It all began with Diamond Geezer's site. At the beginning of August he decided to spend his weekends walking the Lea Valley telling us about each leg of his journey. I was captivated and part way through his adventure I decided I needed to see this beautiful countryside.

In true Mo fashion I decided to do 3 walks in one. My feet will recover. Yes they will I keep telling them they will be able to get back on the road again.

There is just so much to take in along the paths of this river. Ancient ruins, abbeys, mills churches. One of the three remaining of Eleanor's Crosses. I intend to see them all.
Fishing, boating, cycling and walking. All of that outdoorsy stuff. I'm slowing getting hooked. Have even taken to a bit of foraging. I have a bag full of rose hips I intend to make some delicious concoction with. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Until my next country adventure me and my sore feet are glad to back in the city.