Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sun and Fun in Brussels

Sun and fun in Brussels? Yes it's not the boring EU centre of its reputation.

Saturday courtesy of we are social I was part of a group invited on a Eurostar little break, big difference trip to Brussels.

Our full on day began with an incredibly interesting guided tour of the Margritte Museum followed by a Peruvian BBq on Bruxelles les Bains ha you don't have that on Paris Plage. I'm betting there was a great party later on.
Some of us took to the streets to see the amazing street art. London artists get spraying you've got huge competition here.

Stumbled on a small beer festival where we tried Bremers beer and I manged to convince the boys to try snails. All except one and now he wishes he had. You'll just have to go back.
Locals told me there is also a festival not to be missed in September.

We got a glimpse of the square and the amazing buildings before we raced off to a beer tasting. Cherry beer, that was a first for me. We sampled local sausage, cheese and of course mussels.

The day flew by so quickly, so much to do. I feel a wee break coming up soon.

You can see more of my street photography here and you can meet all of the fabulous people I spent the day with here:
Alex David Gordon Katherine Lux and Jourik Mark and Tom Mehrdad Radim Sarah Violette and Medina.