Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Additional Options for Outdoor Hour Challenge 43 Growing Molds

We haven't completed Outdoor Hour Challenge 43 yet but I wanted to give some additional ideas for options to the original challenge.

Here are some additional ideas to get you started with observing molds for Outdoor Hour Challenge 43.

Here is a YouTube video that shows mold growing on bread and then an orange. It is a short and sweet video. Please remember to preview.

How about some clipart for your notebook?

This diagram shows the parts of bread mold.

Label for this one:
"Showing One of the More Common Molds found on Fruits and Bread. The tiny stalks grow vertically into the air. The end of each thread swells into a small round knob, from the inside of which hundreds of minute bodies, called spores, burst. As a is seen a large knob filled with spores." — Blaisedell, 1904

Here is a link to a whole list of information about puffballs and there are fantastic images to view as well.
Puffballs at

If you are brave, you can grow mold in your own Mold Terrarium. I would love to see your results. We have conducted this experiment before and we found the best place to put our jar was in our laundry room cupboard where it was usually warm and dark.

Here is a complete booklet on fungus/mushrooms for you to look at using with your child. Preview it before printing the whole packet out since there are a lot of pages. I especially like page 17, 18, 21, 22, and 25 to print out and put in your nature journal.
Mushrooms PDF

Hope you found something here to spark your interest. Our next Outdoor Hour Challenge will be on January 9th.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom