Friday, August 19, 2011


For several years I photographed roundabouts in France. Each town has at least one as you enter and what ever is on the roundabout will very often give you an indication of what the town is about. For example entering a fishing village a fishing boat maybe on the roundabout. A large statue of a boy with an oyster before the town where oysters are farmed. Roman ruins, wild animals, grapevines, you get the picture? The other day I spotted this roundabout in Holborn. I couldn't help myself, I raced across the traffic on to the roundabout and took this picture. I'm not sure what it is or what it indicates. However the urge to photograph roundabouts came flooding back. Do I need to to travel around the UK photographing roundabouts? Are there lots here too? I thought it was a French thing. Maybe not.