Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Birds of Summer: July List

Bird Nest - Southern Wyoming
Nest on a Utility Pole - Southern Wyoming
We spent quite a bit of time away from home in July so I will attempt to break the list down by location.

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  1. European Starlings
  2. House Finches
  3. Lesser Goldfinches - they sound like they are laughing
  4. White-Breasted Nuthatch
  5. Oak Titmouse
  6. American Robins
  7. Mourning Doves - our constant companions, everyday under the feeders, always a pair
  8. California Towhee
  9. Steller's Jay
  10. Western Scrub Jay
  11. Acorn Woodpecker
  12. Great Horned Owl - early morning
  13. Anna's Hummingbird - males chasing each other, not so many in the feeders but in the flower garden
  14. House Sparrows
  15. Canada Goose
  16. American Crow
  17. Turkey Vultures
  18. Red-tail Hawk
  19. Mountain Chickadee
  20. Black-headed Grosbeak
  21. California Quail
  22. Brewer's blackbirds
Santa Cruz
  1. Brown Pelicans
  2. California Gulls
Grand Tetons/Utah Trip
  1. Osprey
  2. Trumpeter Swans
  3. American White Pelicans
  4. Lots of gulls - not sure what kind
  5. Killdeer
  6. Barn Swallows
  7. Red-winged blackbirds
  8. Western meadowlark
If I ever go back to Yellowstone, I will print this bird list. 

You can share your link with Tweet and the button above to learn more about the monthly meme. This exercise of keeping a list of birds has opened my eyes to a whole world. I highly recommend this activity for all families, no matter where you live.