Thursday, August 18, 2011

Grizzly Bears at Grand Teton National Park

I keep forgetting that I wanted to post these photos from my son's camera. We were driving through the national park at sunset and we thought at first that we saw a bison. At second glance we realized it was a bear.

Grizzly Bear Grand Teton July 2011
A grizzly bear!

I stopped the car alongside the road...we were the first ones to see it. My son stepped outside the car to get a photo. I made him stay right by the car and none of the rest of us got out. We were not really close but I immediately saw that this was a mama with a cub. A minute later I saw a second cub. By this time there were several cars stopped on the side of the road and they were REALLY close to the bear.

One look at the image on my son's camera and I could see it was a grizzly bear. We didn't try to get better photos or get any closer. I really just wanted to give the bears their space.

Grizzly Bear Mama and Two Cubs Grand Teton 7 11
Grand Teton National Park - Grizzly Bears July 2011
You can see in this photo that other people were not using good judgement and they were way too close to the bears. These are really big bears and I know that there is nothing like a mama bear protecting her cubs....

It was a wonderful experience to see these creatures in their natural environment. The cubs were sort of playing with each other as they romped through the meadow. The mama was walking with that bear sort of swagger that is so distinctive. Amazing to see just how big they are in real life.

Just another Wyoming experience...

Barb-Harmony Art Mom