Saturday, May 21, 2011

Queen Anne's Lace: A Mid-Spring Update

We have had our eyes out for it. We have been anticipating it. It arrived almost overnight!

5 18 11 Queen Annes Lace 2

The Queen Anne's Lace! Right alongside our walking trail where it was so beautiful last summer we found it sprouting up in large numbers. Look at the bright spring-green color!

Now I feel like we have completed our Queen Anne's Lace cycle for the four seasons. All that is left now is to enjoy watching it grow and grow and grow.

Thanks Anna Botsford Comstock for inspiring us to watch this plant for a complete year. If you want to get started with your own Year-Long Queen Anne's Lace Study, here are the links for spring and summer.

Queen Anne's Lace Spring 
Queen Anne's Lace Summer

This might be a good time to look for it growing in your neighborhood too.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom