Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Azaleas and Good Qualities Grown in the Garden

We have been hoping to establish azaleas in our garden for years now. This year they are finally giving us the color we have anticipated. Azaleas do not grow naturally in our area so I had to experiment to find just the right spots for them to thrive. Each year I have patiently waited to see if the bushes would bloom. Last year the pink azalea bloomed a few pretty blossoms but the others I actually thought were dead, looking like sticks.

5 19 11 Azeleas pink 2

Here is our pink bush...wow! The bush is loaded with blooms and it makes me so happy when I walk down my back steps. It is flourishing in the shade of the deck, finally.

5 19 11Azeleas Pink

The red bush is blooming right now as well although it has very few leaves. The bush has long branches and flowers at the ends. It is not as pretty as the pink bush but I am thrilled that it is showing signs of life.

5 19 11 Azeleas White

The white bush has the biggest flower blossom of the three colors and is so delicate and pretty. I love the way the light illuminates the petals.

Wonderful to finally see the colors. The rewards of patience and faith.....good qualities we can grow in our gardens.

Strawberries and Roses - First of the Season

Talk about rewards! Here are the first roses and strawberries of the season. Guess what kind of smoothie I had this afternoon? Yum!

I am patiently watching (okay not so patiently) as the seeds all sprout in the garden. Every morning there is something new to look at and I actually did a happy dance yesterday when I saw that every Kentucky Wonder has sprouted and has two leaves! My daughter and I planted her container garden (she is living with us temporarily so her garden will need to move back home with her in a few weeks). She planted a patio tomato, a Serrano pepper, and some basil seeds. She calls it her bruschetta and salsa garden. I am so glad that I have passed on the love of gardening to my children...that in itself makes the task more meaningful.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom

Jami's Tuesday Garden Party meme is open from Tuesday to Thursday so there is still time for you to jump in and participate!