Friday, May 13, 2011

Keeping Up Our Outdoor Time: May Nature Study

Dragonfly in Our Backyard
Dragonfly Beauty from Our Backyard
The new idea for using the Outdoor Hour Challenge Newsletter instead of a weekly nature challenge has liberated our family to follow our interests. I hope that your family is enjoying the subjects that come your way and that you take advantage of following up interest with the Handbook of Nature Study.

Lemon Queen Sunflowers sprouting
Lemon Queen Sunflowers sprouting in the lavender box.We are growing these as part of the Great Sunflower Project.
There have been several comments and emails asking if you can submit any nature study topics to the upcoming blog carnival. I would love to see whatever you do for your Outdoor Hour Challenge using the Handbook of Nature Study, or journal entries using the suggested ideas from the newsletter, and/or notebook pages from your own backyard studies.

Please feel free to submit your entries as you go along, just as you would have done with Mr. Linky. Here is the submission page for your entries to the carnival:
Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival 

I hope to get our next study posted over the weekend....probably our garden flower entry.