Whether you require background information from dictionaries and other reference books, articles from newspapers or magazines, or research papers from peer reviewed scientific journals, Health Reference Centre Academic could help you.
This online database is available remotely to Wellcome Library card holders as well as within the Wellcome Library. It draws from a wide array of information resources many of which are available in full text.
Searches can be limited to just full text resources or the latest published research by limiting to peer reviewed journals. Results are displayed with separate tabs for different types of media including academic journals, magazines and multi-media. It is also possible to browse by subject and publication title. The advance search option also allows keyword and other searches within the chosen publication subject, and additionally searching by document type.
Those interested in the communication and portrayal of science and medicine in the popular media will find Health Reference Centre Academic useful too. It also provides online access to the full text of several hundred journals.
As with any source of medical information it is important to assess its quality. Discern has produced guidelines to help do this.
Image: A patient consulting his friendly doctor. Pen drawing by J. Ulrich (Wellcome Library no. 12131i).
Author: Simon Warburton