Monday, January 17, 2011

My Thoughts on Purchasing Discover Nature in Winter - Ebook Version Available

I am writing this because I have had so many emails about the frustration of not being able to find this book for purchase at a reasonable price. I understand that you would like to own a copy of this wonderful book but I would never encourage you to pay more than about $20 for it. This book is a valuable reference but it is NOT worth the prices that I see used around the internet. Honestly $58 and $80 were the two cheapest copies I could find this morning.

I did however find that you can purchase this as an ebook through Powell's Books from Google Ebooks.
I am assuming it is the same book that I have but in ebook format. It has the same number of pages and the same copyright date.

I knew the availability of this book was an issue and that is why I rewrote the Winter Wednesday challenges for the current ebook. I wanted to write them in such a way that you did not absolutely need the Discover Nature in Winter book to participate. Of course there is a wealth of information in the book that is not discussed in the Winter Wednesday ebook but you will still have a great winter nature study experience if all you do is follow the instructions and links in the fresh challenges.

Even the original challenges were written for families to complete without the book. Every challenge has a section that says that it is for families who do not have access to the book.

So you have a few choices:
  • Purchase the ebook and print it yourself or read it from your computer. 
  • Work through the challenges without owning the book and enjoy the suggestions given in the challenges.
  • Hold out for a used reasonably priced book.
I hope this helps you make an informed decision about the Discover Nature in Winter book.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom

Winter Wednesday Button

You can read all about this new ebook in this ENTRY.