Thursday, October 7, 2010

Online resources: Changes to 'Nature'

As all registered readers of the Wellcome Library enjoy remote access to a number of Nature titles, we thought we would bring you news on how the world's most highly cited interdisciplinary science journal has recently changed.

Nature has been redesigned. It has acquired a new look and feel and the content type has expanded. Some of the changes which should improve site navigation are the inclusion of new navigation bars at the top and to the right of the homepage and a simplified table of contents with colour coded sections.

Content has also been reorganised. 'News and views' now appear alongside the papers and a new landing page for research articles allows readers to browse articles by subject or type. A new page called 'World View' features articles by external authors on current issues. A 'News & Comments' page replaces 'Nature News' and includes news, news features, news blog, editorial and opinions.

To publicise these changes two short videos have been made available through the Nature website. The first features Philip Campbell, Editor-in-Chief, and Tim Appenzeller, Chief Magazine Editor, talking about the vision and the changes. The second video focuses on the changes to both the online and the print journal. These videos have also been posted on Nature's YouTube channel.

Author: Victoria Sinclair