Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Garden Update and View from Under the Walnut Tree

Garden after clean up 10 10

The weather has been a little bit cooler in the mornings so we were able to get out and clean up the garden boxes. I pulled the first of my compost from my compost barrel and mixed in the rich black soil as I readied the boxes for a few cooler weather crops....carrots, lettuce, and peas.

There are still plenty of zinnias ready to bloom, herbs growing strong in the sunshine, and the tomato is still forming some small green fruits.

Salvia 2

I was making a list of possible things from our garden that we could study from the Handbook of Nature Study and I realized there are few things blooming that we need to get to before too long.

Our list:
Salvia: Lesson 161
Black-eyed Susans: Lesson 140 and 131
Pansies: Lesson 152 (we are going to do this one again)

Red tipped leaf

My son brought me this leaf that he found in the yard....he thought the red edges were unique. I feel another nature journal entry coming on for us with this pretty leaf as the star. 

Walnut Tree 10 10

We also cleaned up under the walnut tree and the view from under the branches is the perfect way to see the autumn sky. Before too long all the leaves will fall and we will have a different sort of clean-up day but we did enjoy this day and feeling a sense of accomplishment. Gardening is like get to feel the satisfaction of a job well done.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom