Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog Carnivals

In one of Nick Poyntz's recent articles on 'Digital History' for History Today - now collected as a Blog - he explains the concept of Blog Carnivals:

"A blog carnival is a collection of posts on a particular theme or topic. History bloggers take turns to volunteer to host a particular edition. Often the posts will have been nominated by other bloggers. They are an excellent way of getting an overview of the topics and periods being discussed".

Amongst the Blog Carnivals highlighted is one focused on the history of science, 'Giant's Shoulders'. The latest Giant's Shoulders - on the theme of 'Visuals & Representations' and hosted at the blog From the Hands of Quacks - is now online and we're delighted that amongst the great links, is one to our recent post 'Tour de Francis'.

(We can also take this opportunity to flag up the last two Giant's Shoulders Blog Carnivals of 2010 - which will be on Esoteric Science and 19th century science. More details on this - including details on how to submit entries - in this Giant's Shoulders post).