Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Wellcome Library Blog!

Given a number of our posts celebrate anniversaries in one form or another, we can't leave the second birthday of the Wellcome Library Blog unannounced.

The origins of this Blog were recounted in a post on our first birthday, but over the last 12 months we've tried to maintain our range of posts and increase our variety where we can. So, archives and manuscripts cataloguing is now summarised every month; overviews are offered on the work of different Library departments and we've also started to post more details about our electronic resources and also on exhibitions to which we've loaned material from our collections.

As digitisation is such a key part of the Library's strategy over the next few years, we've even launched two new Blogs dedicated to this theme. We'll still be posting here about our digitisation work as well as on our other activities, such as new discoveries about existing items, flagging up the use of Library material in the media, and promoting events and workshops going on at the Library or involving Library staff.

Pleasingly, the last year has continued to see a high rate of visits from around the world (for the record, the bare stats are 49,000 visits and 76,000 page views over the last 12 months). Our posts have continued to be retweeted and highlighted by others and we're continually delighted by the coverage and readership the Blog has. The last year has seen those who follows us through Twitter continue to rise and also the creation of a Wellcome Library Facebook page.

So, a very big thank you to all the Wellcome Library staff who continue to contribute to the Blog and an even bigger thank you to everyone who takes the time to read what we've written: here's hoping we can keep up our efforts as we enter our third year!

Note: The word cloud at the top of this page is based on the labels we've used to tag individual posts.