Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Garden Progress: June

We planted our garden at the beginning of May and these photos show what it looked like just three weeks ago. The above photo shows the beans just popping up out of the soil.

Here were the radishes three weeks ago.

My box three weeks ago.

My garden box now with the beans, peppers, tomatoes, radishes, carrots, marigolds, and lettuce all growing bigger by the day. We have even eaten some radishes and lettuce from the garden.


The hydrangeas are blooming!

The figs are growing plump on the tree and I am hoping the birds don't come and eat them all.

The Black-eyed Susans are starting to bloom.

These guys are in the sunflowers...they look like someone painted them with bright colors and stripes.

That is a quick walk through my garden this week. I enjoy the cool of the morning in my garden and with the Square Foot Gardening techniques I do not spend much time weeding but rather a little time watering and enjoying. :)

If you are interested in starting a nature study project in your garden, why not start with Outdoor Hour Challenge #12? Challenges 12 through 19 focus on garden plants and would provide an easy way to start your own summer gardening project.
Challenge #12

Topics in this series include:
I would love to see how your garden grows this summer!

Barb-Harmony Art Mom