Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Now we are FIVE

How did that happen? Five years ago I was dragged kicking and screaming from Paris to London ... "I will never like it here, not after life in Paris". But I did and I do ..., in fact I fell in love with London in a way I could never have predicted.

Every single day in this city is an adventure. Every day it just slips under your skin in a way you don't notice until you are away. You find yourself so happy to be heading back (no matter how much you enjoyed where you have been). But you are going back to London ... your own London town ...

... where else in the world would you feel like this ??

Isobel and Astrid gave me a high five to celebrate. A high five and thanks to all who have followed this blog or just popped in from time to time. I hope you will continue to visit.