October 11, 2011 - Our Collection of Leaves |
Our timing is not perfect on this
Fall Color challenge. The weather is autumn-like with cooler nights, rain (actually lots of rain), and sunny afternoons but the majority of the leaves have not changed color and are still hanging on the trees.
Observing closely we did note some red on the edges. |
You can see our trees are still mostly green with a few of the leaves tinged in red. There are just a handful of leaves on the ground and probably only because we have had five inches of rain in the last week.
The trees are still full of leaves. |
Walking in the afternoon is a favorite activity now that the temperatures have dropped so today we went out with the express intent of looking for some color. As always, with added focus, we were able to observe some colorful leaves, gathering a few to bring home to look at closely and then enjoy on our nature table. Of course, we had fun trying to match the leaf with the color from our pencil box.
I think we ended up with a great variety of leaves. |
I decided to make color chart in my journal with the official names from the Prismacolor pencils noted just for fun. My favorite leaves were the
pistache leaves with their bright orange, red, and yellow.....dare I say vermillion, crimson, and chrome yellow to be more exact?
Watercolor pencils on the left and regular colored pencils on the right... |
Mr. B did not complete a notebook page or a journal page for this challenge yet. He wants to wait until we have more colorful leaves to gather and he may use a camera to capture the beauty for me and his journal. I think I will find some frames to use and we will perhaps do this
leaf project. 
Never wanting to miss out on the fall fun, Miss Cocoa jumped up on the railing as I took these photos. This cat is a great hunter, although she mostly does "catch and release". In fact, last week she brought a live mouse into the house and dropped it at my feet. Oh yeah, I moved really fast to capture that rodent and put it right back outside. This time of year she also likes to climb up into the tree and watch the birds at the feeder. Silly cat.
I just realized I didn't post an entry with our fall drive photos from last weekend. We went out into a neighboring county, taking in the beauty of the time of year in the vineyard regions. I will try to get those posted sometime soon because it was a really fun day.

As always, keep your Outdoor Hour Challenge entries rolling in for the end of the month carnival. I already have quite a few fantastic entries but there is plenty of room for everyone!