Handbook of Nature Study, page 23
More Nature Study #8
Fall Leaf Study - Close Up
Inside Preparation Work:
- Read in the Handbook of Nature Study pages 9-10 (The Lens, Microscope, and Field Glass As Helps in Nature Study).
- Have on hand a magnifying glass to use as part of this leaf challenge. You can see more ideas on my: Squidoo Lens on Magnifying Lenses.
Outdoor Hour Time:
- Spend your Outdoor Hour time in your own backyard or neighborhood.
- Look at the various kinds of leaves and have your child point out several that capture their interest.
- Choose four or five leaves to collect and bring home to look at with the magnifying lens.
- Use the hand lens to make careful observations of your leaves. One at a time have your child describe what he sees as he looks at the leaf carefully. Record your results in your nature journal (or use the notebook page in the ebook).
- Press your leaves to add to your nature journal at a future date. You can watch my YouTube video to learn how to do this with simple household items.
- Advanced Follow-Up: Use this LINK and scroll down to the section, “Taking a Closer Look At Plant Cells”. Make your own leaf slides to look at under your microscope. Here is a LINK to view many leaves up close. Ebook Users - Use the Leaf Morphology page and the notebook page to complete your study.
- Advanced Follow-Up: Read this article on Wikipedia: Leaf. Read this page that illustrates Leaf Margins and Shapes (love this page with the clear images).