Friday, July 3, 2009

Baffling Bodies

If you have difficulty telling your clavicle from your patella, and have never considered who discovered Fallopian tubes this is the course for you. A weekend of workshops and activities will take you through the history of how we have understood and learnt about our bodies, looking at the human form through the eyes of artists, scientists and history buffs. Designed for beginners, you’ll need curiosity and enthusiasm but no previous knowledge. The event will be held on September 5-6 between 10am and 4pm.

Activities will include:

Dem Bones – exploring human remains with osteoarchaeologists from the Museum of London

Renaissance surgery demonstration
– Roll up ! Roll up ! Get your gangrene seen to here ! Volunteers for amputation will be required.

Pickled bits and stitches
– a visit to the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons, plus a surgical skills workshop.

A beginner’s guide to the history of anatomy
- an informal talk with the chance to explore original material from the Wellcome Library’s collections.

Exquisite Bodies – a tour of the Wellcome Collection temporary exhibition looking at 19th century anatomical models.

Creative workshop
– inspired by the Exquisite Bodies exhibition, you will create your own model with the help of a professional artist.
Cost: £30 per person. Refreshments and lunch will be included on both days.

Booking will open later in July. If you would like to be notified when booking opens, or have any queries, please email us.

Author: Eleanor Lanyon