Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Outdoor Hour Challenge eBook: Garden Flowers!

Very soon I will be putting the finishing touches on my second eBook! This time there will be ten garden related challenges that will walk you through a study of garden flowers using the Handbook of Nature Study. In addition to the challenges already written, there will be more photos, nature journal examples, book lists, and totally new notebook pages designed to go with the Garden Flowers Challenges.

I listened to the families that reviewed the first Outdoor Hour Challenge eBook and included even more photos...larger than before. I have kept the same simple format with lots of suggestions and examples. I have made even more connections between the challenges and the notebook pages and I hope these pages help you get started with your nature journals in a painless way. There are links this time to my videos on that will help you see additional ways to work in your nature journals.

This eBook will be appropriate for families with children of all ages and you can adapt any of the challenges to your particular locality. You can complete the challenges in any order and they are written so that you can have the flexibility to have a focus on garden flowers but still enjoy and learn about whatever kind of nature captures your child's interest.

This is a book that will appeal to families that are just starting out with gardening as well as veteran gardeners. I am hoping that this eBook will arouse a passion for nature by observing the plants and flowers right in your backyard or neighborhood.

Check back later this week for a link to the newest Outdoor Hour Challenge eBook. If you are a subscriber to this blog, you will have an announcement sent to you the minute it is available on

If you have any questions or comments, or you would like to be considered as a reviewer of this eBook, please email me:

Barb-Harmony Art Mom