Friday, December 2, 2011

Outdoor Hour Challenge: Preparation For Winter - Plants

Winter Weed - Queen Anne's Lace
"The most obvious work of nature has been the preparation for winter. A wide range of observation should be used to impress the truth: the trees and shrubs have lost their leaves, and stored the provisions for spring in the buds and branches; many softer plants die down to the ground, storing the food in roots, others in bulbs, and still others in tubers. The question may be asked for each plant that comes up for observation - How did it get ready for winter?"
Nature Study by Months
1. Take a walk this week and spend a few minutes looking at the plants in your yard and neighborhood. Look for bushes and trees without leaves, stopping to note that these plants are many times not dead but just waiting for spring to begin a new growth cycle. Don't go into too much detail but allow time for quiet observation.

2. After your outdoor time, spend a few minutes discussing how plants get ready for winter. You can bring out the following points:
  • Some plants (Annuals) have seeds that survive the winter even when the plant does not.
  • Other plants (Perennials) have roots that survive the winter and start to grow again in the spring.
  • Deciduous trees shed their leaves, conserve food, and have buds that are waiting until spring to open and grow. 
3. Make a nature journal entry recording anything of interest from your outdoor time. You can use the notebook page from the December Newsletter or the Who, What, Where? Journal idea from the December Newsletter if you wish. (Subscribe to this blog to receive the December Newsletter link in the next blog post email.)

Make sure to share your December blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival.

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Scheduled Publish Date: 12/28/11