Monday, April 12, 2010

More Spring Wildflowers

Another day, a few more wildflowers. This time of year we take walks just about every day and with the weather warming up, all the flowers are blooming in succession.

blue dicks on the hillside
The Blue dicks or Wild Hyacinth are really blooming in our area. This hillside near our walking trail is just covered in them.

Here is a close-up look at these lavender colored favorite color. The stems are a reddish color and even though they look sort of flimsy, they are rather rigid and hold the flowers up high.

I have been thinking this is fennel but now looking in our field guide, I'm not so sure. It must be a member of the parsley or carrot family: Patterns of the Parsley Family.

Miniature lupine
We also noticed the Miniature lupine is blooming all along the path.

Miniature Lupine
Here is a little bit closer up look at the Miniature lupine.

It is such an exciting time of year to be outdoors! The birds, the flowers, and the sky are all so wonderful to experience. It is out there waiting for us if we put out the effort.

Birds we observed:
Soaring turkey vultures
California towhees
Western scrub jay
White-crowned sparrows

Birds we heard:
Downy woodpecker
Mourning doves
Finches-don't know what kind
Steller's jay

Hope you have a great nature study week!