Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Outdoor Hour Challenge Poll Results

The polls have closed and it looks like the new focus area will be centered around clouds. After looking in the Handbook of Nature Study, I am really excited about all the possibilities for this focus in the weeks to come.

Here are some ideas after reading through the climate and weather section of the Handbook of Nature Study.

Differences between climate and weather
Different cloud identification
Water Forms (including dew, frost, fog, rain, sleet, snow)
Year Long Weather Study....just like the tree study but for the weather!
Simple weather experiments that will draw interest to the everyday weather
"Water in its various changing forms, liquid, gas, and solid, is an example of another overworked miracle-so common that we fail to see the miraculous in it."
Handbook of Nature Study, page 808
I wanted to thank the tremendous number of people who voted in the poll for taking the time to help me pick a direction for the Outdoor Hour Challenges. It makes it feel more like a community of fellow students and observers. If you voted for a different focus, please know that I have taken note of which topics came in a close second and third and you can be sure we will be focusing in those areas soon.

Everyone has weather and climate so this focus area should fit everyone's local area. :)

Barb-Harmony Art Mom