Thursday, May 1, 2008

Nature Study vs. Nature Journals

I have come to the conclusion that the line between nature study and a nature journal is getting sort of fuzzy. You can have lots of nature study and not have a nature journal.

Don't let your lack of skill in drawing keep you from your nature study.

Nature walk=
Time outdoors+time spent in observation

Nature study=
Time outdoors+time spent in observation+time learning about your discoveries

Nature journal=
Time outdoors+time spent in observation+time learning about your discoveries+time recording your observations and thoughts

I am in no way discouraging nature journals but I am convinced that if you spend enough time in nature study, you will have more to write about in your journal.

Harmony Art Mom

Here are some interesting things I have seen in the past few months.
An acorn that sprouted in my garden box.
A beautiful moth on the grass early in the morning.
banana slugA banana slug in the redwoods

Note: This entry is an old blog entry from my old blog.