Thursday, May 1, 2008

Field Guides: From My Shelf

Since we have started our Green Hour Challenge, readers have been asking for field guide suggestions. I decided to put together a list of the main field guides that I use throughout the year. I have quite a collection but these are the ones we use the most. I am in California and most of my nature exploring is on the West Coast so obviously these will not be what you would use if you lived in the Midwest or on the East Coast. They will give you an idea of the series that I prefer and then you can look for versions that would fit your area of the world. I always check guides out at the library before purchasing them or I go into Borders and do a side-by-side comparison.

Hope this helps someone with their choices,
Barb-Harmony Art Mom

Field Guide Recommendations
West and Northwest

A little bit of everything for Western Forest
Western Forests by Stephen Whitney (Audubon Society Nature Guides)
ISBN 0394731271
On used for 24 cents

Field Guide to North American Birds-Western Region (Audubon Society)
ISBN 0394414101
On used for 1 cent
Actual photographs of the birds.

Field Guide to North American Wildflowers-Western Region (Audubon Society)
ISBN 0394504313
On used for 1 cent
Actual photographs of the wildflowers.

Western Trees (Peterson Field Guide)
ISBN 0395904544
On new for $13.60 and used for $7.70
Colored illustrations of trees, leaves, and cones.

I have yet to find the "perfect" insect guide but this one comes close. I use it and get close to identifying the insect and then use the internet.
Field Guide to North American Insects and Spiders (Audubon Society)
ISBN 0394507630
On new for $19.95 or used for $5.08
Actual photographs of insects and spiders.

For use on the Pacific Coast:
Pacific Coast Mammals by Ron Russo ISBN 0912550163
Tree Finder by May T. Watts ISBN 0912550015
Pacific Coast Fern Finder by Glenn Keator ISBN 0912559139