Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Parliament Hill - Competition

Back in 1605 Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators planned on standing here on Parliament Hill to watch Parliament blow up as a result of their handiwork.

The Catholics of the time were pretty upset with the king, who they thought should be more sympathetic toward them. (especially as his mother was a catholic) and so planned to kill him in this spectacular explosion. Some thought this a bit drastic and the king was forewarned.

London has so many cool places to see. So we are offering two of you the chance to win a copy of Le Cool Guide London
  • To enter just answer the following question:

Name the King Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators were planning to kill.

Make sure you leave a link so I can contact you.

All correct entries will go into a draw and 2 will be selected to win a copy of Le Cool Guide London.

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