Wednesday, January 18, 2012

We're not psychic...

... so we’re asking you to tell us what you’re thinking*. We mean about the Library, and in particular about your last visit to us. And that's plenty to be getting on with.

We’re coming to the end of our first full year of surveying our Library visitors and we’ve found your feedback enormously useful. We really do appreciate the time you've taken to complete the surveys, and we’ve found your comments and suggestions invaluable.

Last week we sent out the latest survey which we run in partnership with Morris Hargreaves Mcintyre. We’ve edited the survey and reduced the number of questions. We haven’t cut back on the opportunities for you to feed back to us in the free-text sections though, and we really do want you to tell us about the Library. We read every free-text comment, and if something needs addressing we will do our best to fix it.

The surveys are submitted anonymously, so we can’t respond to you directly. But we are listening, and where we can, we’re making the necessary changes.

If you have questions or comments about the survey please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me via email at

*See Medical Collection WM950 if you fancy having a go.
