Friday, April 15, 2011

2011 Spring Series - Spring Tree Observations

Here's the challenge for this week:  
Spring Tree Observations.
(click over to read the specifics) 
This is the post from last year and in it you will find the pages in the Handbook of Nature Study to read in preparation and then some ideas for learning more about your tree that you picked to observe last autumn or winter.

We have been watching our tree get its leaves over the last few weeks. What a transformation! I hope you are able to revisit your family's tree and get to see its spring beauty.  If you are new to the Outdoor Hour Challenge, please feel free to jump in with this season's observations and get started on your own Year-Long Tree Study!

Here are the suggestions for a general tree study:

1. Pick a tree in your yard or on your street and look for its new leaves and blossoms if appropriate.
2. Is it just beginning to show leaves? Can you tell if your tree has all of its leaves yet?
3. Can you see any insects or birds in your tree?
4. Collect a few leaves to use for leaf rubbings in your nature journal. You could also make a leaf bouquet.
5. Compare two leaves from the same tree. Are they exactly alike?
6. Use your nature journal to record a sketch of the leaf and any blossoms.
7. How has the tree changed since autumn? Winter?

Free Resources and Helpful Links for Trees:

OHC Spring Maple Tree Notebook Page

OHC Seasonal Tree Notebook Page

Tree Study Lapbook 

What Tree Is It?

Please make sure to come back and post your link on Mr. Linky after completing this challenge and writing your blog entry.I have enjoyed all the entries so far and would love to come read your spring entries on your blog.
    Spring Series CoverSchedule for Spring 2011

    Today is the last day to take advantage of's discounted prices on their nature study notebook sets.
    Nature Study Notebook Pages  Discount code=nature 11 (save $5)
    Wildflowers, Weeds and Garden Flowers Set Discount code=flowers11 (save $5)
    Complete Set of Bird Notebooking Pages Discount code=birds11 (save $5)
    These notebook pages are a perfect way to keep a beautiful record of your nature study activities.

    Don't forget that if you already have a Treasury Membership that you have access to all these pages at any time!