Sunday, August 8, 2010

Outdoor Hour Challenge Photos of the Week

I know that many of you receive my blog entries as email so you probably don't get to see every week's Outdoor Hour Challenge Photo of the Week on my sidebar.

As I do periodically, I am posting a link to the slideshow for all the photos going back a few years. There are over a hundred photos in the set.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Photo of the Week Slideshow

Just for fun you might like to pop over and view the slideshow. You might be surprised how many of your children have been featured and how they have grown over the years participating in the Outdoor Hour Challenges.

It makes my heart happy to see all those happy faces and wonderful nature study times in your families. After viewing this slideshow, I feel the enormity of what we are all doing with our children. I am humbled beyond anything I can express by my feelings of how much this has enriched my life....that I could in some way inspire all of you to get outdoors with your children and to have a better life because of it.

May I continue to inspire and encourage you....and in return please know that you inspire and encourage me back. Thank you.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom