Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Summer Plans: Suggested Resource for the OHC

I am having such a great time planning our family's summer nature anticipation of the Summer Series of Outdoor Hour Challenges. I pulled things from our shelves and have been enjoying reading through some of the resources we have not covered yet. One of those books is Discover Nature at Sundown by Elizabeth Lawlor and I have decided to incorporate it into the Summer Series.

This book is in the same series as the Discover Nature in Winter book that we used for our winter nature study a few years ago. (You can still find those challenges on my sidebar.) I like the format of these books and think they complement the Handbook of Nature Study nicely if you read the corresponding sections at the same time.

Here is a link to Discover Nature at Sundown on Google Books. There is quite a large portion of the book available to read online so you can get a flavor of the topics and ideas covered.

I like this book so much that I am going to incorporate it alongside the readings in the Handbook of Nature Study as part of my new Summer Series of Outdoor Hour Challenges. You can check your libraries, look for it used, or purchase it from and have it on hand for your summer evening nature study times. Of course, you can always use the Handbook of Nature Study as your main source of inspiration for the challenges but the Discover Nature at Sundown book will enhance and let you go deeper if you want to and have the time.

More information on the challenges will be available as I get closer to publishing the series. I hope to make the Summer Series available around June 1st. One thing I will mention is that I will be featuring the idea of using all your senses during your Outdoor Hour time. This book touches on the sense of smell and the sense of hearing and what better way to learn about these senses than to exercise them as you spend time together the cool of the evenings.

I hope you are planning on joining us for the Summer Series of Outdoor Hour Challenges.

Right now it looks like there are a decent number of used copies at around $3 a copy.