Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Weather Forecast: HOT!

Bad news: Temperatures to be at near record highs of near 106 degrees today, possibly up to 115 degrees. Air quality is extremely unhealthy because of all the wildfires still burning in our area. The smoke seems to come and go with the heat and breeze but it is just amazing how much smoke has settled in our area of the world.

Good news: My garden loves the heat!!!
"A child who makes a garden, and then becomes intimate with the plants he cultivates, and comes to understand the interrelation of the various forms of life which he finds in his garden, has progressed far in the fundamental knowledge of nature's ways as well as in a practical knowledge of agriculture."
Handbook of Nature Study, page 20 in the section "Gardening and Nature Study"
Here is our progress:

Pumpkin blossom

Sunflower ready to burst open

Look at the height on these sunflowers...no matter that they were supposed to be a dwarf size so they wouldn't cover my window. I have enjoyed viewing them through the window as I work at my desk.

Coneflowers blooming all over the garden.

My precious kitty who is too HOT in this weather and lounges around anywhere it is cool and damp which this morning was in the shade on the grass.

Tomatoes getting bigger by the day.

Green beans that are climbing as high as possible.

Day lilies blooming in a variety of colors and shapes. I love the pollen on this flower.

More strawberries to come!

So much more but I will finish there for today. I wholeheartedly agree with the quote from the Handbook that I shared at the beginning of this blog entry. Children gain so much from gardening...adults too. I think it not only teaches them many practical skills but it contributes to their emotional well-being. Besides, all those fresh veggies make our bodies healthy too!

Barb-Harmony Art Mom