Monday, January 14, 2008

The Lost Sitting

I was intrigued by the picture above, although I've never been a huge fan of Alison Jackson's work. I find her faux paparazzi shots more one-liners than art. To see what I mean you can go to the M+B gallery website for images from her current Los Angeles show.

Unfortunately, the JFK and Marilyn images that I thought presaged some subtler new work turned out to be some of Jackson's earliest work, but with their echo of Mary Alpern's "Dirty Windows" series and their convincing recreation of a likely event, it's an instructive look at the road not taken.

Whatever quality these pictures have, however, pales next to the
capture of real life. As I was getting ready to post the above, I
came across the picture of JFK and Jackie (below) from Elliott
Erwitt's continually surprising new book, "Unseen".