Monday, October 1, 2007

Introduction to Insects

We are covering the introductory pages for insects this week. Let's just say right now that I am *not* normally an insect sort of person. This is a new world for me as we embark on our study of insects.

From page 294:

"Insects are among the most interesting and available of all living creatures for nature study. The lives of many of them afford more interesting stories than are found in fairy lore; many of them show exquisite colors; and, most important of all, they are small and are, therefore, easily confined for observation."

I am finding this to be the case in our everyday life...there are insects everywhere. The caterpillar above we found on our hike yesterday. The more we looked, the more we found. We think it is a wooly bear caterpillar which will transform into an Isabella Tiger Moth,
Pyrrharctia isabella. We found this really cute website that talks about "How to Catch A Bear". Next time we will be collecting one of the caterpillars and bringing it home to watch.

Edit: Since writing the above, I have found that I incorrectly identified the caterpillar in the photo above. It is a yellow woolly bear and is the larva of the Spotted Tussock Moth or
Lophocampa maculata.

This photo is from a few years ago and it shows a little better what this little guy looks like. No wonder he is called "woolly", he really is!

Here's a photo from our travels yesterday.....the aspen trees are just starting to turn a golden yellow. We are hoping to drive this way again in a few weeks and see the reds and oranges of the trees too.

Harmony Art Mom