Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Just A Quick Reminder

As you know, we've had a few minor problems with the program over the last few days, but are happy to say that most of them are now resolved. In an effort to stay a little ahead on postings, we had recently started composing our stories, laying them out, then saving them as documents. When it's came time to publish, however, we discovered that the "new" post would occasionally show up below an older post on the page you're looking at now. If you'll scroll past the Carole Lombard story from yesterday, you'll find today's Kiddie Show and Horror Hosts posting. A little confusing, perhaps, but that's how Blogger works. We're just putting up this little note to let you know there is something new today, even though the top of the page may be from yesterday --- well, at least until we publish this explanation, which we now realize only deepens the confusion. I'm beginning to wonder if I should just forget the whole thing and delete this rambling missive. Guess not. Instead, why not throw up something interesting to look at while you're trying to figure out the whole mess? That would be Harold Lloyd in an original trade ad from 1917. Lonesome Luke was a character Harold played for several years before introducing his "glasses" persona. Luke was a little too Keystonish to suit Lloyd, who wanted to play something more identifiable for his audience --- a character more grounded in reality. The Lukes were successful, but the glasses character made Harold the giant star we remember today. He kept prints of the Luke comedies for years in a storage locker on his estate, but a nitrate fire took most of them out in the forties. Some of them survive today, but most remain lost.