Saturday, January 14, 2006

Peeling Aside The Veils Of Ignorance

How many theatres today include a noted hygiene commentator among the bill of fare? This Evansville, Indiana drive-in showman did, for a typical 50’s exploitation program that no doubt had them lined up four miles down the rural paved road leading to his ozoner entrance. Be sure to use click and enlarge here, because these ads are baited with all sorts of indecent and titillating allure. So as not to overlook any part of that week’s newspaper ad campaign, we’ve employed the miracle of Photoshop to combine the differing styles that made each morning edition a visual treat for sleaze mavens. Notice how the exhibitor has designed each ad for maximum effect, using alternate styles from the pressbook. The added proviso forbidding the admission of anyone under high school age "unless accompanied by parents" would seem a little pointless, since this is a drive-in, and little kids presumably couldn’t arrive behind the wheel of a Buick, though we will concede the possibility that these same moppets might follow the lead of corrupting teenage Pied Pipers, who would drive them into this fetid swamp of adult entertainment. So it would seem the civic-minded showman was merely trying to protect his youthful patrons after all. Always remember --- rules at the drive-in are for your own protection!