Dear Readers,
I am currently working on a renovation of the Handbook of Nature Study blog. I have moved many of the items from the sidebars up to the tabs under the header. I cleared out a lot of old information from the sidebars to unclutter the page.
I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions to make the blog easier to navigate or if you have any ideas for information that you wish were easily accessible on the blog that you can't find there now, please email me and make some suggestions.
Sometimes it is hard for me to look at the blog through your eyes, especially those that are new and are just trying to figure everything out.
If you have time, please look at the blog and click the tabs under the header and see if you think I am missing anything. I appreciate your help and in the long run it should be easier to use my blog as a resource.
Thanks for all your help and input.
Barb-Harmony Art Mom