Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Evening Walk

Lots of wildflowers

Last Friday, it was a perfect evening for a hike. We took advantage of the longer daylight hours and the warm spring air to hike our familiar trail.

Purple Chinese Houses
We spotted some Purple Chinese houses right off the bat as we began our way down the canyon.

Fairy lanterns
I had my eye out for some Fairy lanterns and I found many that were just getting ready to bloom. I spotted this one blooming along a side path.

Golden Brodiaea
The Golden brodiaea is blooming right now too!

My son spotted a few Larkspurs just starting to bloom.

California Poppy
Also there were some California poppies.

Mules Ears
We found another big cluster of Mule's ears blooming in our meadow.

Now wasn't that worth the effort to get out and take a walk after dinner???

Barb-Harmony Art Mom

If you would like to see some photos from our Arizona desert trip, pop over to my other blog and you can view them in the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival entry!