Today was watering the corners day in the garden. But I was greatly rewarded by a whole bush full of blackberries......some ripe enough to pick and eat.
So here is just a sampling of the fruits of my berry picking. Mmmmm....don't tell anyone. I probably ate just about as many as made it into the bowl. :)
The blackberries in our yard are the stubbornest plants around. My husband has tried over the last 21 years to eradicate them from the edges of the yard but they will come back year after year. I have come to a working relationship with the blackberries. I let them grow a little and be watered and they provide me with an organic, delicious, sweet treat on hot summer days. Tonight I will be making a blackberry cobbler for my hubby....maybe he will come to peace with the pokey, thorny, hearty blackberry like I have. We can always hope.
The hydrangeas are such a wonderful purple color this year. This is my third bouquet and there are plenty more to come.
Here is the vase for the kitchen table.
How can you help but smile with that greeting you in the morning?
The little joys of summer.
Barb-Harmony Art Mom