As I was watering the garden this afternoon I noticed this big guy on the daylily. He was rubbing himself in the pollen and thoroughly enjoying himself. He didn't seem to mind that I was watching him and taking a few photos. If you click on this photo and enlarge it, make sure to look closely at his body parts. Amazing....simply amazing.
Look at those really long antennae.
What a great discovery this hot summer afternoon. The flower is just gorgeous too.....if you didn't notice. :)
"When any creature has unusually strong hind legs, we many be sure it is a jumper, and the grasshopper shows this peculiarity at first glance."
Handbook of Nature Study, page 339
There is a section on grasshoppers starting on page 338 of the Handbook of Nature Study.
Edit to Note: Makita helped me realize that this particular insect is actually a Chaparral katydid. So now here is my question: Is a katydid a kind of grasshopper? In my field guide it says, Chaparral Katydid, Platylyra californica, grasshopper order. Are grasshoppers, katydids, and crickets all related or am I reading my field guide and misunderstanding? Insect identification is my least favorite thing to do in nature study.
Barb-Harmony Art Mom