Thursday, September 25, 2008

Chasing Dragonflies: Outdoor Hour Challenge #28

Somehow the dragonfly challenge week went past and then it slipped my mind.....I must make up for it now. :)

If you read my blog with any frequency, you will remember that I recently had an up close and personal experience with a beautiful dragonfly. You can read about it HERE.

We also had observed lots of dragonflies on our camping trip to Yosemite back in July. You can read about it HERE.

Now as far as recent encounters...there have been plenty. We have just not been able to photograph any for the blog.

Now today there was a large group(Do you call it a swarm?) of dragonflies in our backyard. I attempted to get a video but you have to watch it carefully to see they whizzing by the camera. It is only a minute long so if you can stand it, I encourage you to watch. As a sidenote, the birds chirping in the background are unusual for our area. I could never see what they were and they were the original reason I stepped out on the back deck in the first place. So enjoy the birds and the dragonflies. :)

Another great challenge where the whole family learned so much about the focus.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom