Monday, July 7, 2008

Outdoor Hour Participants...Check This Out!

My daughter, in all her creativity, has come up with a terrific idea. She has designed some products to go along with the Outdoor Hour Challenges. These are not necessary to participate but they are really fun additions to your nature study.

I love the tote bag and purchased one for myself. It now holds my sketch book and supplies and I will put in a field guide or two for our next hike. I also am planning on using it for my library tote bag just because it is so cute. It is fairly good size so I can see it being used quite a bit in our family.

Pop over to her blog to see what she is offering. This is totally her venture and so if you have any questions or comments, please leave her a comment or send her an email.

Outdoor Hour CafePress

Amanda's email:

Here is the magnet. I think it would be a great way to remind ourselves to complete our Outdoor Hour Challenges. I stuck mine right on the front of my refrigerator.

There are a few new items in the works but her blog entry has all the details.

Great job Amanda!

Barb-Harmony Art Mom