Thursday, June 5, 2008

Green Hour Name and Logo Changes: Or Please bear with me while I sort this all out

Apparently the National Wildlife Federation has decided that I am infringing on their "Green Hour" registered trademark. I received an email this morning from their legal department which said "remove the words "Green Hour" from your logo and from the "Green Hour Challenges" on all locations on your blogs and websites."

Okay then. I will be designing a new name for the challenges and reworking the logo to not include the words "green hour."

I shed a few tears of frustration after reading the email from the NWF but now I think I am over it.

Their suggestion:
However, we warmly invite you to share your experience and passion for making nature study part of the homeschooling experience, either with other members of the Green Hour community, or by contacting us directly to discuss possibilities for working together in some capacity."

I already have a community going on here with so many of you that I have gotten to know over the last 17 weeks. There have been weeks I wasn't sure I was going to get it all together for the challenges but then I would think of all the children and families and I would get motivated again. I want to work with homeschoolers using the Handbook of Nature Study. I am going to continue to offer the challenges every week as long as there is an interest.

Here is what I am thinking. I really have nothing to do with their Green Hour work and since they apparently don't want me connected to them, I will be calling my weekly challenges the "The Outdoor Hour Challenges".

New slogan: The Outdoor Hour-Nature Study Close to Home.

I will have a new logo and challenge ready tomorrow. I would imagine they want us all to remove the original "Green Hour" logos from blogs so when I get the new logo done, please replace your old logos.

Lesson learned? Not sure what the lesson is except to never think you are too little to bother with....apparently homeschoolers do get noticed. :)

Barb-Harmony Art Mom