Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bird's Nests in Winter: We Found One!

(click to make the photos larger)

Here is the whole nest that we found under a tree in our front yard. It is amazingly made with small little twigs and hair. Here is a close-up.

I have no idea what kind of bird made this nest. We do know we have a scrub jay that nests in this tree but this is so small it can't possibly be the jay's.

On page 46 of the Handbook of Nature Study under the sub-heading:The Study of Birds' Nests in Winter:
"But after the birds have gone to sunnier climes and the empty nests are the only mementos we have of them, then we may study these habitations carefully and learn how to appreciate properly the small architects which made them. I think that every one of us who carefully examines the way that a nest is made must have a feeling of respect for its clever little builder."

I couldn't agree more.
Barb-Harmony Art Mom