Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pills and Potions at Royal Holloway

This Saturday (25th February) Wellcome Library Research Officer Ross MacFarlane will be speaking at Pills and Potions, Royal Holloway University’s 2012 Science Open Day.

The title of Ross’s talk is Henry Wellcome: Invisible Ink to Pills and Potions and in it he will explore Wellcome’s career as a pharmaceutical entrepreneur, from boyhood dabblings in his Uncle’s pharmacy store to the pioneering work of the drug business he co-founded.

Royal Holloway’s Science Open Day showcases the extensive research and outreach of the College’s science departments. Events include talks, demonstrations, visits, and hands-on workshops. So, if you fancy learning about the chemistry of ice cream, making a model of your own DNA or even discovering the healing power of tomatoes, come along.

More details on the Royal Holloway Science Open Day (25th February, 10am-4pm) – including a full programme- are available on the University’s website.