Thanks to Jessica for passing along this award to means a lot that she considers my blog to have substance. I try to post with regularity and with interesting things to share for my readers.
The Award Rules:
•Thank the blogger who awarded it to you.
•Sum up your blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience using ten (10) words.
•Pass it on to 10 other blogs which you feel have real substance.
My blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience in ten words?????? Hmmm....
Share something worthwhile and you will be encouraged in return. (I did it.)
The real meat of this award is that I get to share some of my favorite "Blogs With Substance" with you. Here is a list of blogs I eagerly read when they are in my Google no particular order of course.
Phyllis at Our Journey and All Things Beautiful: Phyllis is a faithful poster as part of the Outdoor Hour Challenge. She is the mom of many and yet she takes care to nourish each of her children in their own way. She always posts with substance.
Alex at Serendipity Home School: Alex is also a faithful OHC participant. I love to see her photos and to hear what special books she has found to enhance their Canadian nature study experience.
Jamie at See Jamie Blog: Such a joy to read her blog and to follow their family's journey. Lots of things to think about on Jamie's blog.
Jimmie from Jimmie's Collage: I have been reading Jimmie's blog for years and I have enjoyed every post she has written from China. Jimmie is an extraordinary woman.
Nadene from Practical Pages: Nadene knocks my socks off with all the free and wonderful ideas and projects she shares on her blog from South Africa. Don't miss this blog if you are looking for creative art ideas along with lots of free pages to use in your homeschooling.
Angie from Petra School: Angie and her boys are such an inspiration to me and give me such encouragement with every OHC post they make. Besides being a fellow West Coast blogger, I enjoy Angie's style. She is sometimes even more zealous about nature study than I am.
Tammy at Adventures on Beck's Bounty: Tammy and I have enjoyed each other's blogs for some time now. We are fellow nature study, gardening, Charlotte Mason homeschoolers. She has so much to offer in her posts and I enjoy reading them all.
Kris from Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers: I have gotten to know Kris this past school year by participating in both her Hands On Homeschool Blog Carnival and her Weekly Wrap-Up posts. I appreciate the time Kris puts into her online presence and her regularity in posting.
Brenda from The Tie That Binds Us: Although she has been on a break, Brenda is a blogger with substance. Besides being a fellow homeschooler of high school age students, Brenda and I have many of the same ideas about homeschooling. She shares so much with the homeschooling community and I hope you get to know her better.
So there is my list....hopefully it blesses you in some way to perhaps find a new blogger to read or be reminded of one you need to add to your reader.
Thanks again to Jessica for the award and the encouragement to keep on blogging.
Barb-Harmony Art Mom