As we approach rapidly the completion of a full year of Outdoor Hour Challenges, I am again turning my thoughts to how we can make them even better. As a past participant your input is valuable to me.
Please take few minutes to answer the questions and don’t be afraid to tell me what you really think or to share your experiences. Some of the best ideas have come from participants and in fact, the whole idea for the Outdoor Hour Challenges came from one of my blog readers.
You can cut and paste the questions and your responses into an email and send to me at:
Outdoor Hour Challenge Evaluation and Survey
1. How has the Outdoor Hour Challenges helped your family? What are the unexpected benefits from participating in the Outdoor Hour Challenges, if any?
2. Describe how you use the challenges. Do you use them as written or adapt to your family?
3. Do you enjoy the use of other media in your nature study? Video links? Notebook pages? Book suggestions? Podcasts from me? Do you want to stick strictly to the Handbook of Nature Study?
4. What was your family’s favorite challenge so far?
5. I have in mind a special nature notebook project where families would share images of their nature journal pages on a Flickr group. This would give participants a library of ideas and represent different styles of nature journal pages. Are you interested in participating in such a project?
6. Do you have any specific topics that you are looking forward to covering?
7. If you have stopped participating in the Outdoor Hour Challenges, is there a particular reason? Too complicated? Too time consuming? Children not interested in continuing? Subject matter? Not detailed enough? Not understanding the challenges? Don’t enjoy the Handbook of Nature Study?
Please let me know if you give permission for me to share any part of your answers in blog entries in the future. I would love to start a testimonial sort of section on the HNS blog. I would contact you in advance if I were to use your words and thoughts.
I would love to send you an exclusive Outdoor Hour Challenge notebook page in exchange for your time completing a few questions and emailing the survey back to me.
Please complete the survey and return to me by December 23rd. I know this is a busy time of year but your help is much appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Barb-Harmony Art Mom