"When the flowerstalk first appears, it comes up like a sheathed sword, pointing toward the zenith, green, veined lengthwise, and with a noticeable thickening at each edge."
Handbook of Nature Study, page 550
"As the petals grow, the sheath begins to round out; the stiff stem at the base of the sheath bends at right angles. This brings a strain upon the sheath which bursts it, usually along the upper side, although sometimes it tears it off completely at the base."
Handbook of Nature Study, page 550
"The stalk is a strong green tube; the leaves are fleshy and are grooved on the inner side. At the base the groove extends part way around the flowerstalk."
Handbook of Nature Study, page 550
"The daffodil, jonquil, and narcissus are very closely related, and quite similar. They all come from bulbs which should be planted in September; but after the first planting, they will flower on year after year, bringing much brightness to the gardens in the early spring."
Handbook of Nature Study, page 551
On pages 549-552 of the Handbook of Nature Study, you will find the introduction to daffodils and a complete lesson to study daffodils. Anna Botsford Comstock lists 15 ways to observe and learn about these common garden flowers.
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